Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Designer Venetian Jewelry

Contemporary Jewelry from Venice

Carnival season is almost over in Venice. The splendor of the palaces along the Grand Canal, the majesty of St. Mark's Square and its gilded basilica, the bustling traffic on the waters of the lagoon are all major players, not just backdrops, which add to the unique flavor of the jewelry venice italyVenetian carnival. Magnificent costumes are paraded slowly, silently and regally through the streets and squares of Venice, pausing to allow tourists to snap numerous photographs that will help them to bring back to their places of origin memories and magic of Venice.
All is glittering and shining: from the rhinestones and silks of the costumes, to the masks, to the gilded interiors of palaces that can be admired from boats along the Grand Canal. The artisans in their laboratories are intent at applying gold leaf to frames or other precious objects and stores are filled with shining or damask materials, glass tableware of all types, candelabra, lamps and sparkling chandeliers.
But above all, is the plethora of glass jewelry, glittering in shops throughout Venice, around St. Mark's Square at the Rialto Bridge, and even in less frequented back alleys.
When I mentioned my interest in writing about the fine glass jewelry made in Venice, a friend of mine said "Yes, that's fine as long as you are talking about Venice, Italy and not Venice, China".
The truth is that much of the mass-produced glass jewelry on sale in Venice does not come from the near-by island of Murano where the master glass makers originated. This is not to say that the jewelry is ugly (although some of it is very ugly), or that it is too expensive. Actually, there is some good value for money out there, as long as one is clearly aware of the fact that the objects do not come from Murano but rather from very much farther.italy venetian jewelry
Despite the well-founded suspicion about the oriental origin of much of the beads and jewelry on sale in Venice, it must be stressed that there are still many Venetian artisans who continue to follow centuries-old traditions, and who pride themselves on the authenticity of the materials used in their creations. And one must really speak of artistic creations because the modern-day artisans go far beyond just producing a string of colorful beads. Instead, they go to great lengths to interpret the materials with which they work to bring about a harmonious blend between authentic Venetian materials, contemporary creativity and style-setting magic.
Among the artists who merit mention and admiration are the Attombri brothers, Daniele and Stefano. I wandered into their elegant shop nestled in a corner of Campo San Maurizio, near Campo Santo Stefano. The quiet elegance of their shop was a welcome and restful contrast to the flashy stores that sport mass-produced items. The brothers use only beads from Murano, and in fact many of them are antique beads as indicated by the guarantees which are provided.
Many years ago, the brothers were very forward-looking and purchased large quantities of beautiful antique Murano beads for their future creations. They have never been tempted by the more economical product from oriental sources. In fact, Stefano almost shuddered when he recounted his experience in visiting a 7-story shopping center in China where glass beads were the only merchandise being traded.
Daniele and Stefano have been creating contemporary jewelry using traditional Venetian techniques for 20 years. Each art piece is unique, made completely by hand. The brothers Attombri themselves even make the delicate steels armatures to support their use of exclusively Murano glass.

Their designs have been used by famous Italian stylists such as Dolce & Gabbana, and published in well-known style magazines such as Vogue. The brothers have also exhibited their works nationally and internationally. In 2007 they had an exhibit in Bethesda, Maryland which was very successful, and it is planned to repeat the experience in 2008.
The brothers are pleasant, helpful and patient and willing to spend the time necessary to help prospective clients find the item that best suits their needs, whether ranging from a relatively inexpensive creation to pieces of the highest standing. It is a pleasure to visit their shop and a unique experience of authentic Venetian tradition and art.
venetian jewelry
venetian jewelry

Your Marriage is Worth Fighting For?

Written by Neil Josephson
67% of first time marriages go the distance. I was reading a report on divorce statistics from StatsCan and this fact jumped off the page.  It seemed to contradict a much repeated statistic that 50% of marriages end in divorce.  So which one is true?  Well, they both are actually.
Two of every three new marriages will indeed last for life….but the 50% statistic is also true because it includes all marriages and the fact is that second and third marriages (and fourth and fifth for that matter!) divorce at a much higher rate.
Don’t these facts make you wonder “why do subsequent marriages fail at a significantly higher rate than first marriages?”Reflecting on the thousands of couples we have known and worked with, here is what I think are the prime reasons marriage fail:
  • Misdiagnosis. Many people end their first marriage convinced that they simply married the “wrong person”.  With that belief, it becomes very easy to overlook some very serious relationship shortcomings in themselves or any unhealthy relationship patterns that may have grown.  When this is the case it should not be surprising that similar issues arise in the next marriage.  Like Yogi Berra said, “Wherever you go, there you are.” The first step to resolving issues in a first or subsequent marriage is always to be honest about and change the only thing you can really control – yourself!
  • Blending families. When people remarry, there are often children involved…and blending families is difficult! Parenting is always challenging, but I don’t know a remarried couple who doesn’t say that step-parenting is WAY harder.  And that makes sense – I mean, how can it not be harder when you are blending two different parenting styles and histories plus the dynamics of shared custody and whole different sets of values and guidelines at the other homes?Add in the additional emotional stuff the kids and parents experience through a break up, solo time. Then add a new marriage and you have a very complex situation.   Remarriage expert Ron Deal (www.successfulstepfamilies.com) says it takes an average of seven years for remarried couples with kids to fully blend.  Because these complex blended parenting issues are the most challenging in the early days, I think a lot of couples find it just too hard to make it to seven years.  If you are step-parenting in the first seven years, there is hope! Yes, it’s hard but there is help available.
  • Baggage. Every one of us brings baggage into marriage…for some of us, it is only a backpack and for others of us it is a truck load! Baggage from any past relationship can complicate all the usual marital challenges of two people building a relationship of mutual trust, intimacy and respect.   When one has experienced the pain, loss, disillusionment and broken trust of a divorce it is understandable that they will bring extra baggage into a future marriage and thereby reduce the chances of going the distance.
In light of all this, it seems far wiser to me to strengthen, heal and restore the marriage you are in rather than leave it believing a future marriage will be easier. I have had many remarried couples tell me that if they had known how difficult their second marriage was going to be, they would have worked harder at the first one.   The fact is that divorce only ends a marriage legally.  Divorce has no power to end unresolved issues or to make unhealthy behaviors vanish.  I have always believed and I think these statistics support that our best chance for a life long marriage is the first one.
That’s what I’ve been thinking.  What do you think?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


couleur diamant

Choisissez votre diamant

Forme, poids en carat, taille, pureté, couleur
Le diamant est la matière la plus dure que l'on connaisse, 10 sur l'échelle de Mohs (qui va de 1 à 10). La "dureté" signifie que cette matière ne peut se rayer qu'au contact d'un autre diamant. Découvrez les conseils de nos experts en joaillerie pour conserver l'éclat de votre diamant et monture.

Nettoyer le diamant

Il ne faut pas opposer dureté et fragilité. Au contraire, un diamant peut se révéler extrêmement fragile. Par exemple, une inclusion peut déclencher le décollement d'un plan de clivage. Tout choc peut donc être fatal, surtout sur les pointes, qui peuvent se briser sous l'effet du sertissage.
entretien diamant, entretenir bijoux diamantPour garder son éclat, il faut nettoyer le diamant à l'aide d'un produit savonneux dégraissant et le rincer à l'eau chaude. S'il est serti et que la saleté reste incrustée, il est recommandé de le faire bouillir dans de l'eau mélangée à très peu de liquide vaisselle et un bouchon d'eau de javel.
entretien bijoux, entretenir bijoux diamantsUtiliser une brossette pour bien décoller la saleté ramollie par le bain si cela s'avère nécessaire. A savoir : le diamant ne craint aucun acide et il supporte des températures élevées.

Nettoyer la monture

En ce qui concerne la monture, surtout s'il s'agit d'une bague (bague de fiançailles ou bague diamantpar exemple), elle va prendre une multitude de petits chocs, parfois imperceptibles, sur la main. Son usure, provoquée par la vie quotidienne, doit être surveillée avec vigilance :déceler les anomalies à l'aide d'une simple loupe de lecture et vérifier que la pierre ne bouge pas et que le métal couvre bien la pierre.


couleur diamant

Choisissez votre diamant

Forme, poids en carat, taille, pureté, couleur

Pourquoi un certificat du diamant ?
L'apparition du certificat diamant en 1970 a fondamentalement changé les mentalités. Règles et lois sont venues modifier les conditions du marché : si tromperies ou malveillances étaient fréquentes dans les échanges diamantaires, des procédures et des documents officiels existent aujourd'hui qui certifient et authentifient la qualité d'un diamant.
  • Pour reconnaître de façon indiscutable un diamant : en cas de vol ou de simple mise en réparation, vous êtes en mesure de pouvoir identifier votre diamant. 
  • Pour faire des comparaisons de prix entre diamants de qualité égale, car, dans le circuit commercial, ce document est le gage de la valeur d'une pierre. 
  • Pour faire une évaluation précise du diamant dans le temps opposable aux assurances en cas de sinistre. 
  • Pour négocier : un diamant est plus facilement négociable lorsqu'il est certifié, surtout s'il est serti, car la monture ne permet pas une observation fiable. 
certificat diamantLes diamants sont généralement certifiés au-dessus de 0,30 ct. Pour ces pierres, Adamence ne fournit que des diamants certifiés, dont les papiers sont visibles en ligne et remis au moment de l’achat.

Adamence vous offre si vous le désirez l'inscription au laser du numéro du certificat sur le rondiste du diamant. Elle permet d'identifier sans contestation possible un diamant qui est accompagné de son certificat. L'inscription très discrète n’est visible qu’à la loupe X10.

 Exemples de certificat HRD, GIA, IGI

Visualiser des exemples de certificats diamant et leurs explications:

Certificat HRD - 

Certificat GIA - 

Certificat IGI

La nomenclature des diamants est rigoureusement identique dans tous les pays, la norme internationale étant celle donnée par le GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Ce dernier, le HRD(laboratoire national belge) et l'International Gemological Institute (IGI) à Anvers, la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris (CCIP) sont les organismes de référence, réputés pour leur sérieux et leur intégrité, car face à l'augmentation de la demande de diamants certifiés, les bureaux d'expertise se sont multipliés.

Les critères renseignés dans le certificat d'un diamant

Un certificat est la carte d'identité du diamant, c'est-à-dire ses critères objectifs de qualité, ses caractéristiques propres. Cette identification relève d'une analyse pointue en laboratoire.
Le matériel d'observation utilisé est des plus sophistiqués. La pesée s'effectue sur une balance à carats électronique (précision au millième de carat). La mesure se fait au centième de millimètre :

diamant certifié

Pierres rondes

  • Pour les pierres rondes, on mesure le diamètre sur plusieurs axes. Une pierre n'étant jamais parfaitement ronde, le certificat donnera toujours 3 mesures : diamètre minimum, diamètre maximum et profondeur. Exemple : 5,36 - 5,40 x 3,30 mm.


  • Pour les diamants de forme fantaisie, on mesure les côtés.

Toutes les formes

  • Quelle que soit la forme, on mentionnera la hauteur de la colette à la table.

Les différentes analyses du Diamant


Le diamant est observé à la loupe binoculaire (40 fois) pour rechercher les inclusions et déterminer son degré de pureté. Sont notifiés lors de cet examen ses défauts (les extra facettes, la qualité du polissage, la particularité des inclusions, le type de rondiste, etc), informations nécessaires pour compléter l’identification de la pierre, qui apparaissent dans la zone du certificat intitulée “Commentaires”.

Couleur du Diamant

La couleur du diamant est analysée par comparaison à des pierres étalons. Le spectrophotomètre, couplé à un ordinateur, permet aussi de définir la couleur exacte du diamant.

Fluorescence du Diamant

Les ultraviolets vérifient la fluorescence du diamant. La fluorescence peut être par exemple légère (“slight”), moyenne (“medium”) ou forte (“strong”). Lorsque la pierre est fluorescente, elle devient plus ou moins luminescente sous l’effet des UV.

Les proportions du Diamant

Les proportions et le fini sont analysés en plaçant le diamant dans un projecteur de profil. Un système de miroir permet la projection de l’image agrandie du diamant sur un support en verre où sont dessinés des repères références. L’écart des proportions permet de déterminer les pourcentages de la table, de la couronne et du pavillon par rapport au diamètre. Ce calcul est conclu par l’appréciation de la symétrie : Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair.


couleur diamant

Choisissez votre diamant

Forme, poids en carat, taille, pureté, couleur
La qualité et la valeur d’un diamant sont déterminées par un ensemble de critères majeurs, ayant pour appellation "les 4C du diamant". Il s'agit de la couleur (Color), la taille (Cut), la pureté (Clarity) et le poids en carats (Carat) du diamant.

Les 4C du diamant

La couleur du diamant (Color)

couleur diamant.jpg
Plus un diamant est incolore, plus il a de valeur. En effet, la moindre teinte ternira sa brillance. Pour vous offrir le maximum de brillance, Adamence ne vous propose que des diamants quasi incolores.
En savoir plus sur la couleur des diamants

La taille du diamant (Cut)

taille diamant
La taille d'un diamant est primordiale car elle permet de révéler l'éclat et la brillance de la pierre. Même incolore et pur, un diamant sera terne s'il est mal taillé. C'est pourquoi nous ne sélectionnons que des diamants ayant une taille de très grande qualité.
En savoir plus sur la taille du diamant

La pureté du diamant (Clarity)

pureté diamant
Le “défaut” dans un diamant se mesure en termes d'inclusions : moins il en possède, plus il est pur. Leur nombre, leur localisation, leur taille et leur type auront un impact décisif sur la valeur de la pierre. Vous trouverez chez Adamence des diamants parmi les plus purs qui soient.
En savoir plus sur la pureté du diamant

Le poids en carats du diamant (Carats)

carat diamant
Le poids d'un diamant se mesure en carats. Les diamants les plus gros étant également les plus rares, le prix d'un diamant croît de façon exponentielle avec son poids. Initiez-vous plus en détail sur la notion de poids en carats afin d'apprendre comment équilibrer qualité et poids en carats d'un diamant.
En savoir plus sur le poids en carats du diamant

Designer Jewelry: Arando

Italian Jewelry by Arando

Arando Necklace: Phases of the Moon
Arando Necklace
Italian jewelry is known all over the world for its astounding ability to find the beautiful in the simple, the aesthetic in the functional. But in our modern times, very few Italian jewelry houses create pieces that are more art than craft. Master Antonio Rando, the founder of Arando, creates timeless jewelry and watches that revolve around universal themes, expressing them according to his own unique vision.
Arando: Handcrafted Jewelry and Watches

Master Antonio Rando at Work
Master Antonio Rando at Work
All Arando creations are completely made by hand, be it jewelry or watches. They come in limited editions, every design model is created only 99 times, and no more, which guarantees that only connoisseurs get to buy them.
Each piece follows the highest quality and aesthetic standards. Wearing an Arando jewelry or watch, be it for men or women, is like wearing a sculpture, a piece of art. As Master Rando himself says: "A jewel like a sculpture, a sculpture like a jewel...my sculptures, your jewelry."
Arando: Themes, Art, Vision
Each year, Master Antonio Arando creates a collection based on a theme, be it togetherness, motherhood, solitude, motherhood, dance or invocation. Through his vision he designs works of art: bracelets, necklaces, earrings and watches that capture the mood that inspired him, and would impart some of its energy to the wearer, arousing emotions in him or her. Each piece of Arandovibrates with magical creation, with movement, energy, and magic.
Arando Jewelry: Lovers
Arando Jewelry: Lovers
Arando: The Creative Process
Arando Watches: Sculptures Keeping Time
Arando Watches: Sculptures Keeping Time

Master Rando uses his drawing board to show his team of experiencedItalian artisans and craftsmen the concept of a collection, who then try to bring the pieces to life using the most revered of Italian goldsmith traditions.
A lot of research goes into the selection of raw materials, colour, shape, and texture before work on the pieces is begun, ensuring wearability, elegance, and uniqueness at the same time.
Arando Jewelry: The Creative Process
Arando Jewelry: The Creative Process
Gold is melted at very high temperatures, and materials added to it in order to change its hardness, colour, and look.
The resulting ingots are melted at very high temperatures and poured into precisely cast moulds.
Master Rando is aware of the quality of the work produced by each artisan at every stage, and a piece is rejected due to the tiniest of impurities and imperfections, at any stage whatsoever.
The old "cire perdue" technique is used in order to maintain tradition and quality. It infuses the work with an emotion that only the most discerning of artisans can give a piece of art while creating it by hand, from scratch.
The final piece is a work of loving art. Master Rando is based in Bergamo, but for those looking for wearable art, Arando is available through outlets in Bergamo, Milan, Venice and Tokyo.
Manufacturing is one of the mixed blessing of our time. While it has made conveniences easily available, it has also created a trend where most of the things we are surrounded with are identical to a million others.
But with Arando, each ring, each bangle, each bracelet, each watch is not only of the best quality possible, it also has a unique, soulful identity. Master Rando brings you art, emotion, sensation, all wrapped up in your watch or jewelry, an Italian family heirloom to be treasured down the years.
By Damyanti Ghosh