The Torrini Dynasty has its roots back in the fourteenth century when Jacopus Torrini of Scarperia, Italy began crafting fine suits of armor for the knights of the land. He registered his unique trademark in 1369 in Florence with the Guild of Iron Wrights, Armorers, and Nailmakers.For his mark, he cleverly combined a spur, symbolizing the armor, and a half clover, symbolizing the good luck he wished his business to have. Today, the half clover still characterizes the mark of the House of Torrini.
All of Italy was experiencing growth at this time of the golden age and Jacopus Torrini's business flourished. Torrini decided to expand his craft into fine jewelry making, as well as the creation of precious objects for his clientele. He specialized in using gold.
Today's Torrini Dynasty members and goldsmiths still utilize a finishing technique developed by Jacopus Torrino. His technique made use of relevant facts from the writings of Benevenuto Cellini, a goldsmith and sculptor of some renown, to create a dipping solution that brings out and enhances the natural colors of the metal. This process, referred to as "Oro Nativo" which translates to native gold, has become the quintessential facet of Torrini designs.
Linked with Italian jewelry for over six hundred years, the Torrini dynasty has created a long line of fine jewelry with distinctive textures and vibrant hues, much of which rests in museums for an adoring public to see.
Among the claims of much fine golden wonderment the Torrini dynasty has given to the European aristocracy, are brilliant tiaras specially designed for Czarinas.
Far from being the jewelry of trends, here today and gone tomorrow, the eclectic high fashion designs of Torrini jewelryhave survived for twenty-five generations.
In fact, Torrini designs are meant to transcend the ordinary and entice women from all avenues of life.
Furthermore, Torrini designs are well known for being unique, exceptional, hand crafted pieces of elegance and beauty. Among the highly guarded secrets, a hand polished finish with an undeniable sheen is part of the Torrini legacy.
Franco Torrini, the 24th generation heir, and Fabrizio Torrini, his son and the 25th generation heir, hold the reins of the family business and together they guide the Torrini House of Jewels into the unknown future. From the elegant gift box that each piece rests in to the painstaking techniques incorporated in the craftsmanship of each uniquely beautiful piece, Torrini jewelry offers a lifetime of pleasurable moments.
Rings, pendants, and chains that put one's mind into the past and bygone days of medieval times all the way up to and including modern and intricate pieces of finely crafted gold set with jewels of the finest quality, the Torrini collections have a esteemed place in the world of jewelry.
The fine surface techniques utilized by the Torrini craftsmen coupled with the Oro Nativo process has created countless beautiful pieces that appear to have been salvaged from centuries past.
While the majority of the Torrini collection focuses on women's jewelry, a variety of pieces have been designed for men, including money clips, watches, pens, cuff links, and button covers.
Additionally, a beautiful collection of silver giftware has been carefully designed and included with the rest of the brilliant Torrini collections.
More recently,Torrini jewelry, known as a high-end designer brand of jewelry, has expanded to include affordable pieces that are less rustic and more fun to entice new buyers to their market. However, the Torrini line continues to skirt the contemporary and mundane and embraces the unusual and remarkable for its appeal to the public.
From clever pieces that lend themselves to evening or daytime use to pieces exclusively designed for upscale clientele, the jewelry created by Torrini craftsmen continues to find a secret niche in the world of fashionable, unusual, and fabulous. Located in Florence, Italy on Via Ponte a Iozzi, theHouse of Torrini beckons the lover of fine jewelry.
By Susan M. Keenan
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